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Science, 26 JAN 2024, VOL 383, ISSUE 6681


管家婆一肖-一码-一中一特_《科学》(20240126出版)一周论文导读  第1张


Acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons in the jets of the microquasar SS 433

微类星体SS 433喷流中相对论电子的加速和输运

▲ 作者:H.E.S.S. Collaboration

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▲ 摘要:

SS 433是一个微类星体,也是一个可发射准直相对论性喷流的双星系统。

研究组利用高能立体系统(H.E.S.S.)观测了SS 433的伽马射线,发现了秒差距尺度喷流中伽马射线发射的表观位置发生了能量依赖偏移。这些观测追踪了高能电子布居数,并表明逆康普顿散射是伽马射线的发射机制。


▲ Abstract:

SS 433 is a microquasar, a stellar binary system that launches collimated relativistic jets. We observed SS 433 in gamma rays using the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) and found an energy-dependent shift in the apparent position of the gamma-ray emission from the parsec-scale jets. These observations trace the energetic electron population and indicate that inverse Compton scattering is the emission mechanism of the gamma rays. Our modeling of the energy-dependent gamma-ray morphology constrains the location of particle acceleration and requires an abrupt deceleration of the jet flow. We infer the presence of shocks on either side of the binary system, at distances of 25 to 30 parsecs, and that self-collimation of the precessing jets forms the shocks, which then efficiently accelerate electrons.

材料科学Materials Science

Super-tetragonal Sr4Al2O7 as a sacrificial layer for high-integrity freestanding oxide membranes


▲ 作者:Jinfeng Zhang, Ting Lin, Ao Wang, Xiaochao Wang, Qingyu He, Huan Ye, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Identifying a suitable water-soluble sacrificial layer is crucial to fabricating large-scale freestanding oxide membranes, which offer attractive functionalities and integrations with advanced semiconductor technologies. Here, we introduce a water-soluble sacrificial layer, “super-tetragonal” Sr4Al2O7 (SAOT). The low-symmetric crystal structure enables a superior capability to sustain epitaxial strain, allowing for broad tunability in lattice constants. The resultant structural coherency and defect-free interface in perovskite ABO3/SAOT heterostructures effectively restrain crack formation during the water release of freestanding oxide membranes. For a variety of nonferroelectric oxide membranes, the crack-free areas can span up to a millimeter in scale. This compelling feature, combined with the inherent high water solubility, makes SAOT a versatile and feasible sacrificial layer for producing high-quality freestanding oxide membranes, thereby boosting their potential for innovative device applications.


Automated self-optimization, intensification, and scale-up of photocatalysis in flow


▲ 作者:Aidan Slattery, Zhenghui Wen, Pauline Tenblad, Jesús Sanjosé-Orduna, Diego Pintossi, Tim den Hartog, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

The optimization, intensification, and scale-up of photochemical processes constitute a particular challenge in a manufacturing environment geared primarily toward thermal chemistry. In this work, we present a versatile flow-based robotic platform to address these challenges through the integration of readily available hardware and custom software. Our open-source platform combines a liquid handler, syringe pumps, a tunable continuous-flow photoreactor, inexpensive Internet of Things devices, and an in-line benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer to enable automated, data-rich optimization with a closed-loop Bayesian optimization strategy. A user-friendly graphical interface allows chemists without programming or machine learning expertise to easily monitor, analyze, and improve photocatalytic reactions with respect to both continuous and discrete variables. The system's effectiveness was demonstrated by increasing overall reaction yields and improving space-time yields compared with those of previously reported processes.

Catalytic enantioselective reductive Eschenmoser-Claisen rearrangements


▲ 作者:Guoting Zhang, Matthew D. Wodrich & Nicolai Cramer

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▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

An important challenge in enantioselective catalysis is developing strategies for the precise synthesis of neighboring congested all-carbon quaternary stereocenters. The well-defined transition states of [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements and their underlying stereospecificity render them powerful tools for the synthesis of such arrays. However, this type of pericyclic reaction remains notoriously difficult to catalyze, especially in an enantioselective fashion. Herein, we describe an enantioselective reductive Eschenmoser-Claisen rearrangement catalyzed by chiral 1,3,2-diazaphospholene-hydrides. This developed transformation enables full control of the two newly formed acyclic stereogenic centers, leading to amides with vicinal all-carbon quaternary-tertiary or quaternary-quaternary carbon atoms.

地球科学Earth Science

Machine learning predicts which rivers, streams, and wetlands the Clean Water Act regulates


▲ 作者:Simon Greenhill, Hannah Druckenmiller, Sherrie Wang, David A. Keiser, Manuela Girotto, Jason K. Moore, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

We assess which waters the Clean Water Act protects and how Supreme Court and White House rules change this regulation. We train a deep learning model using aerial imagery and geophysical data to predict 150,000 jurisdictional determinations from the Army Corps of Engineers, each deciding regulation for one water resource. Under a 2006 Supreme Court ruling, the Clean Water Act protects two-thirds of US streams and more than half of wetlands; under a 2020 White House rule, it protects less than half of streams and a fourth of wetlands, implying deregulation of 690,000 stream miles, 35 million wetland acres, and 30% of waters around drinking-water sources. Our framework can support permitting, policy design, and use of machine learning in regulatory implementation problems.

Total organic carbon measurements reveal major gaps in petrochemical emissions reporting


▲ 作者:Megan He, Jenna C. Ditto, Lexie Gardner, Jo Machesky, Tori N. Hass-Mitchell, Christina Chen, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Anthropogenic organic carbon emissions reporting has been largely limited to subsets of chemically speciated volatile organic compounds. However, new aircraft-based measurements revealed total gas-phase organic carbon emissions that exceed oil sands industry–reported values by 1900% to over 6300%, the bulk of which was due to unaccounted-for intermediate-volatility and semivolatile organic compounds. Measured facility-wide emissions represented approximately 1% of extracted petroleum, resulting in total organic carbon emissions equivalent to that from all other sources across Canada combined. These real-world observations demonstrate total organic carbon measurements as a means of detecting unknown or underreported carbon emissions regardless of chemical features. Because reporting gaps may include hazardous, reactive, or secondary air pollutants, fully constraining the impact of anthropogenic emissions necessitates routine, comprehensive total organic carbon monitoring as an inherent check on mass closure.